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Contact ALIVE 2, 2024

We will be happy to answer any queries that you might have

    Florence Kahn-Ramos

    Florence Kahn-Ramos

    YES I KAHN (International Event Organizer)
    ALIVE Congress coordinator

    Juliana Sarquis

    Juliana Sarquis

    PhD Student
    ALIVE Secretariat

    Pilar Vidueira

    Pilar Vidueira

    Adlibweb (Web Development)
    ALIVE Webmaster


    Abstract Submission Guidelines

    Abstract Submission Guidelines

    Veterinarians and researchers are invited to submit abstracts with clinical or research content related to animal leishmaniosis

    The ALIVE 2 CONGRESS 2024 invites veterinarians and researchers to submit abstracts with clinical or research content related to animal leishmaniosis. Abstracts related to clinical practice or research, both prospective and retrospective, case series or clinical cases that present new or alternative information related to leishmaniosis in domestic or wild animals will be considered for evaluation. Only unpublished work will be accepted. Accepted abstracts can be presented either as an oral or poster presentation.

    After evaluation of the abstract, the scientific committee will inform if your work has been accepted or rejected. In addition, they will inform you wether it needs to be an oral or poster presentation. In all cases, the ALIVE Scientific Committee’s decision will be final. Changes may be required for acceptance.

    See below the topics of interest for abstract submission:

    • Epidemiology: vectorial and non-vectorial transmission, Leishmania geographic distribution, infectiousness, and reservoirs.
    • Vector biology and transmission.
    • Basic and clinical immunology.
    • Genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics and metabolomics.
    • Pathogenesis. Resistance to infection and disease.
    • Clinical and diagnostic aspects. Disease biomarkers. Coinfections.
    • Treatment, prognosis and monitoring: conventional and novel treatments, drug resistance, drug development, and immunotherapy.
    • Prevention strategies and policies.
    • One Health framework.

    Key Dates

    • 1st July 2023 | Abstract Submission Opens
    • 2nd October 2023 Final Extension: 30th November 2023, 23h59 CET | Abstract Submission Deadline
    • From 18th December 2023 until 10th January 2024 | Abstract Notification

    Once an abstract has been accepted, the presenting author must register for the ALIVE Congress before the 31st January 2024. Anyone whose abstract has been accepted and has not registered by the above-mentioned date will lose the option to present their work in any format whatsoever.

    Submit your Abstract

    Guidelines for Submission

    Please read the submission guidelines carefully before submitting your abstract.
    With the final extension, all abstracts must be submitted by 2nd October 2023 30th November 2023, 23h59 CET
    The presenting author must be registered by 31st January 2024.

    • Only unpublished work will be accepted.
    • Abstracts must be submitted online via the website only.
    • Abstracts must be submitted and presented in clear English.
    • Presentation type: oral and poster presentations will be accepted.
    • Abstracts submitted by email will not be accepted.
    • Abstracts received after the deadline will not be considered.

    Abstract Submission

    You will need to fill in the abstract upload form, providing us with the following information:

    • Author’s full first and family name(s)
    • Email address
    • Affiliation details: department, institution/hospital, city, country
    • Phone number
    • Author and co-authors’ details
    • Identify any other copyright owners, including contact details
    • Presentation type: oral or poster
    • You will be able to upload your abstract in the format required

    The formatting of the abstract must follow the format of BioMed Central for further publication in an open access journal. Please, read these guidelines carefully before submitting your abstract.

    Abstracts must be submitted in a single, editable document (.doc, .docx). The type of presentation must be specified (oral or poster presentation).

    All abstracts should be in English. You may use US English or UK English, but not a mixture.

    Figures: Please make sure that figures are kept to a minimum. Figures must be included in the main text file where they are to appear and must be at least 300dpi. Figures should be numbered (e.g. Figure 1) with a short, descriptive title. This text must form part of the text file and not the figure file. Figures must be cited/called out in the text.

    Tables: Please make sure that tables are kept to a minimum. Tables should be numbered (e.g. Table 1) with a short, descriptive title. Tables should be included in the document where they are to appear. Tables must be cited/called out in the text.

    Formatting requirements
    Abstracts with missing data cannot proceed into production. Important information to be included:

    • A citation in the text for every figure/table.
    • All referenced or even mentioned figure/table files included.
    • Affiliations in the following format: Institutions, City, [State if US], Country.
    • High resolution images (300 dpi or higher).
    • Editable tables.
    • Consistent author naming convention.
    • Accurate export from submission system, i.e. no corrupted symbols or unfinished sentences.

    Consent to publish: If the abstract contains details relating to individual participants (for example a case report), written informed consent for the publication of these details must be obtained from the participants and a statement to this effect should appear at the end of the abstract.

    Trial registration: If the abstract reports the results of a controlled health care intervention, the trial registry, along with the unique identifying number (e.g. Trial registration: Current Controlled Trials ISRCTN37824458) should be listed at the end of the abstract.

    Should be in bold, sentence case with no full stop at the end and no underlining, e.g.:
    Prevalence of canine leishmaniosis in an urban area

    First name, middle initials if required, and surname with no full stop at the end. Underline the name of the corresponding/presenting author. A comma should separate author names. Where authors are from a number of different institutions, the appropriate institution number from the affiliation list should be given as a superscript number immediately after each author’s name, e.g.:
    John Smith1, Susan Jones1, Bill Fisher2

    An asterisk * should be used to link the corresponding author with their email address, if being included.

    Limited to 800 words (including authors, affiliations, text and references). Please use single line spacing.

    • Type the text unjustified, without hyphenating words at line breaks
    • Use hard returns only to end headings and paragraphs, not to rearrange lines
    • Use the BioMed Central reference format - download here
    • Greek and other special characters may be included. If you are unable to reproduce a particular special character, please type out the name of the symbol in full
    • SI units should be used throughout (litre and molar are permitted, however)
    • Web links (URLs) should be provided in full, including both the title of the site and the URL, in the following format:
      Mouse Tumour Biology Database []
    • Abbreviations should be kept to a minimum and should be defined when first used

    Abstracts should include the following sections. Headings should be typed in bold with no colon at the end.

    Materials and methods

    For Case report abstracts:
    Case report

    The abstract must have 800 words maximum (including authors, affiliations, text, and references) (up to five is recommended).

    All references should be cited/called out consecutively in the text, using numbers in square brackets. Only papers that have been published, or are in press, or are available through public e-print/preprint servers should be included in the reference list.
    Journal abbreviations should follow MEDLINE standards.
    References should be laid out at the end of the abstract in Vancouver style and be preceded by the relevant reference number. Foreign/translated works are allowed in references, as long as they also follow Vancouver style.

    1. Lastname A, Lastname B, Lastname C. Title of journal article. Journal Medline abbreviation. Year; Volume:first page-last page.
    2. Lastname E. Title of book chapter. In: Lastname F, editors. Name of Book. Volume 2. 2nd edition. Place: Publisher; Year. p.first page-last page.

    Pereira, A., Cristóvão, J.M., Vilhena, H. et al. Antibody response to Phlebotomus perniciosus saliva in cats naturally exposed to phlebotomine sand flies is positively associated with Leishmania infection. Parasites Vectors. 2019; 12:1-9.

    Note: Once you have submitted your work, you will not be allowed to make any changes. Revise your work carefully before submission.

    Please note:

    • Do not include patient names, hospital ID numbers or other identifying information
    • Source(s) of funding must be stated
      • Authors should state ‘self-funded’ if appropriate
      • All other sources of funding should be named giving the full title of each funding body
    • Conflict(s) of interest must be stated
      • Authors should state ‘none declared’ if appropriate
      • All other potential conflicts of interest must be stated in full
      • It is the author's responsibility to consider where there may be conflicts of interest
    General advice on abstract format:
    • Drug names are based on the rINN system – e.g. please use cefalexin, meticillin, ciclosporin.
    • Where products are mentioned, include the manufacturer’s name and address e.g. ciclosporin (Atopica: Novartis Animal Health, Greensboro, NC, USA).
    • Drug doses, frequencies and routes of administration should be reported (e.g mg/kg; once or twice daily).
    • Laboratory data is reported in appropriate units (e.g. IU units).
    • Breed names are adjectives, not nouns, so it is Siamese cat, not "Siamese" or Labrador retriever, not Labrador.
    • Breed names are capitalised only if they are proper names, e.g. German shepherd dog not German Shepherd Dog.
    • Numbers up to 10 should be spelled out unless associated with time (days, weeks, months, etc.).
    • It is acceptable to summarise data as follows, to conserve text: 3/9 dogs.
    • Use the following abbreviations: h for hours, min for min, sec for seconds.

    Evaluation and Acceptance of the work

    Once the abstracts have been received, they will be evaluated by members of the ALIVE Scientific Committee. All presenting authors will receive a notification by email of whether their abstracts were accepted or rejected from 18th December 2023 until 10th January 2024. Please ensure that the author’s email address is correct to receive the email notification promptly.

    Registration for the ALIVE Congress

    Once an abstract has been accepted its presenter must register for the ALIVE Congress before the 31st January 2024. Anyone whose abstract has been accepted and has not registered by the above-mentioned date will lose the option to present their work in any format whatsoever.

    Guidelines for oral presentation and posters will be sent to the author’s email after acceptance of the abstract and will be available on ALIVE’s webpage.

    Registration fees

    The authors of the abstracts will have a special inscription rate to register for the ALIVE Congress, only and if the abstract has been accepted.

    220 € | Special Early bird Registrations & payment: until 31st January 2024 for those presenting abstracts and all students and graduate students

    Please, contact us if you have not received a confirmation of your abstract submission.

    Guidelines for oral presentation and posters will be sent to the author’s email after acceptance of the abstract and will be available on ALIVE’s webpage.

    Contact information

    For any inquiries, please contact us at

    Submit your Abstract

    Dates and Fees

    Dates and Fees

    Registration will soon be open

    1st July 2023

    Abstract Submission Opens.

    2nd October 2023 Final Extension: 30th November 2023, 23h59 CET

    Abstract Submission Deadline.

    From 18th December 2023 until 10th January 2024

    Abstract Notification.

    From 23rd October 2023 to 30th November 2023

    Early bird and Special Early bird Registration & Payment.

    From 18th December 2023 to 31st January 4 February 2024

    (For those presenting abstracts and all students and graduate students)

    Special Early bird – Registration & Payment.

    From 1st December 2023 to 15th 22nd March 2024

    Regular Registration & Payment.

    From 23rd March 2024 to 17th April 2024

    Late Registration & Payment.

    From 18th April 2024 to 20th April 2024

    Onsite Registration & Payment.

    In-Person Attendance

    Early bird

    275 euros

    Special Early bird

    For those that have presented an abstract and have received confirmation from ALIVE that the abstract has been accepted. This rate is also available to all students and graduate students

    220 euros

    Regular registration

    385 euros

    Late registration

    440 euros

    On site registration

    495 euros

    One day conference - Half price for all options

    The In-Person Registration Fee includes:

    • Admission to all sessions during the presential congress in Nice
    • Young Scientists and Clinicians - Informal Get Together*
    • Welcome Cocktail (April 18th), all coffee breaks and buffet lunch (April 19th and 20th)
    • Delegate kit and digital certificate of attendance
    • Online access to the Proceedings Book
    • Online access to the poster presentations
    • Online access to all ALIVE 2 recordings (available for 1 year after the event)


    Online Attendance

    Online early bird

    135 euros

    Online regular registration

    190 euros

    The Online Registration Fee includes:

    • Online admission to all sessions
    • Digital certificate of attendance
    • Online access to the Proceedings Book
    • Online access to the poster presentations
    • Online access to all ALIVE 2 recordings (available for 1 year after the event)



    Please feel free to contact us if you don’t find the answer to your question below

    About ALIVE 2, 2024

    The Scientific Program for ALIVE 2, 2024 is now available.
    Click here to see the Program.

    If you wish to meet the Keynote Speakers for ALIVE 2, 2024, we invite you to click here.

    If you wish to find out who is on the Scientific Committee for ALIVE 2, 2024, please click here.

    Soon available.

    Registration is now OPEN

    Abstract Submission and Registration Dates are now available. Please click here for further information.

    You can now register for ALIVE 2, 2024. We encourage early registration to enjoy the best rates.
    To Register for the Presential Event, please click here.
    To Register for the Online Event, please click here.


    ALIVE 2, 2024 will take place in Nice at the Radisson Blu.
    Find out all the details of the venue and how to organize your trip. You will also be able to book your accommodation directly with the hotel.

    If you need further assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

    Here you will find soon some suggestions for accompanying guests & attendees as well as some ideas for where to dine in Nice.
    More information


    Veterinarians and researchers are invited to submit abstracts with clinical or research content related to animal leishmaniosis. The guidelines for ALIVE 2, 2024 are now available. Please click here to read the Abstract Submission Guidelines.

    You can submit your Abstract, no later than October 2, 2023 Final extension: November 30, 2023, using this form. You will receive confirmation of receipt of your submission within 48 hours.


    ALIVE welcomes different kinds of sponsorships and donors. Please contact us if you are interested in joining us for ALIVE 2, 2024.

    Organizational Committee

    Organizational Committee

    Working to bring to you an outstanding event

    Gaetano Oliva

    Gaetano Oliva

    LeishVet Founding Member

    Gaetano Oliva
    Department of Veterinary Medicine
    University of Naples Federico II
    Naples, Italy
    See full CV

    Graduate in Veterinary Medicine on 31/07/1984, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Naples, Italy

    • Full Professor of Veterinary Internal Medicine
    • Director of Regional Center (Campania Region, Italy) of Veterinary Pharmacovigilance
    • Member of WSAVA One Health Committee
    • Founder Member of Leishvet group (
    • President of the National Committee for the Scientific Qualification of University Professors in Veterinary Pharmacology and Internal Medicine
    • Director of the Department of Veterinary Medicine and Food Animal Production, Federico II University, Naples, Italy

    Current research interest: 1. Evaluation and testing of new drugs against Leishmania parasite; 2. Clinical and Immunological aspects of Leishmaniasis in the dog; 3. Zoonotic findings of Leishmaniasis

    Publications: more than 150, published on national and international refereed journals.

    Patrick Bourdeau

    Patrick Bourdeau

    LeishVet Founding Member

    Patrick Bourdeau
    Recent position | Full Professor
    Head of Unit and Clinics of Parasitology / Dermatology / Mycology
    Department of Clinical Sciences
    School of Veterinary Medicine – ONIRIS : University of Nantes
    Atlanpole – La Chantrerie BP 40706 – 44307 NANTES Cedex 03 – France

    Current position | Recently retired (Dec. 2020) – Private consulting activity

    See full CV

    Prof. Dr Patrick Bourdeau graduated in Maisons-Alfort / France. He was assistant then associate professor in the Parasitology Service in Maisons-Alfort before to move to Veterinary school of Nantes in 1990. He passed the Agregation in Veterinary Parasitology. His is also Certified in Human and Veterinary Parasitology, Medical Mycology from Pasteur Institute; Paris and Doctor in Zoology/Ecotoxicology (PhD). He became one of the first Diplomates of the European College of Veterinary Dermatology in 1993 and initiated the concept of the European College of Veterinary Parasitology in 1998 (finalized 2003). He was temporarily a board member in these two colleges.

    Until December 2020 he was Professor of Dermatology and Parasitology in Veterinary School of Nantes (now a part of Oniris) and, since 2000, head of the corresponding Unit for the Dermatology, Parasitology, Mycology including the clinics and included in the department of Clinical Sciences. He developed also a laboratory of diagnosis on these domains and particularly Veterinary Mycology. He developed the first course in Dermatology and clinics dedicated to Veterinary Dermatology in Veterinary School of Maisons-Alfort in 1989, where he maintained this activity until 1998, and simultaneously developed this domain in the Veterinary School of Nantes since 1991. He participated then was the coordinator of the French certificate of dermatology and managed the National diploma of specialization.

    Dr. Bourdeau participated to multiple international congresses in the fields of Veterinary Dermatology, Parasitology and Mycology and was invited as lecturer in World and International congresses and workshops in these domains as well. He is one of the founding members of the Leishvet Group.

    Dr Bourdeau is author or co-author of over 200 publications (research, review, education) or book chapters and over than 400 short communications or lectures to international congresses or workshops. His interest is particularly developed in (Ecto)parasites (fleas, ticks, mites and new pathogens) and relationship with allergy or skin interface, internal parasites of companion animals and horses, and vectorial or zoonotic parasitic or fungal infections. He developed his interested in Canine Leishmaniosis (epidemiology, clinics, diagnosis and therapy) since 1983.

    Dr Bourdeau also developed other domains related to the qualification in applied zoology. The first one was the development of training and clinics for Zoo, Laboratory and exotic animals and the second was, for a long period in parallel to his primary occupation, research in marine biology.

    Luis Cardoso

    Luis Cardoso

    LeishVet Founding Member

    Luis Cardoso
    Department of Veterinary Sciences
    School of Agrarian and Veterinary Sciences
    University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (UTAD)
    5000-801 Vila Real, Portugal
    See full CV

    Laura Ordeix

    Laura Ordeix

    LeishVet Executive Member

    Laura Ordeix
    Responsible of the dermatology service at the Fundació Hospital Clínic Veterinari of the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) and associate professor of veterinary medicine at the same university
    See full CV

    She holds a Degree in Veterinary Medicine (1996), a master’s in clinical investigation applied to health sciences (2014) and a Doctorate in Veterinary entitled “The spectrum of cutaneous manifestations in canine leishmaniosis: insights into diagnosis and immune responses” (2018) all from UAB. Moreover, she is a diplomate of the European College for Veterinary Dermatology (ECVD, 2002).

    Dr. Ordeix has been member of several scientific committees of national and international meetings. Currently, she is a member of the Credentials Committee of the ECVD and an Associated Editor of Clínica de Pequeños Animales of Asociación de Veterinarios Españoles Especialistas en Pequeños Animales (AVEPA).

    Gad Baneth

    Gad Baneth

    LeishVet Founding Member

    Gad Baneth
    School of Veterinary Medicine
    Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Quality Sciences
    The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
    P.O. Box 12, Rehovot 76100
    See full CV

    Prof. Baneth graduated from the Hebrew University School of Veterinary Medicine in Israel in 1990. He did a Small Animal internship and residency at the HebrewUniversity until 1994 followed by a fellowship in Infectious Diseases Research at the College of Veterinary Medicine, North CarolinaStateUniversity during 1994 and 1995. He received a PhD in veterinary parasitology from the HebrewUniversity in 2000. Prof. Baneth is a diplomate of the European College of Veterinary Clinical Pathology (ECVCP), as Associate Member of the European College of Veterinary Parasitology (EVPC) and served as head of the Small Animal Internal MedicineDepartment at the Hebrew University Veterinary Teaching Hospital.

    Prof. Baneth’s research interests focus on the pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment of veterinary and zoonotic vector-borne infectious diseases. He is a member of the: editorial board of the Journal Veterinary Parasitology, chairman of the World Small Animal Veterinary Association (WSAVA) Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC), Board of Directors – Israeli Society for Parasitology, Protozoology and Tropical Diseases (ISPPTD), and vice president of the LeishVet group for standardization of the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of canine leishmanioasis.

    Prof. Baneth heads a laboratory for the research of vector-borne diseases which also provides diagnostic services for parasitic and vector-brone pathogens. Prof,. Baneth’s research is funded by several international and national funding agencies including the European Community, US-NIAID, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), Israel Science Foundation, Israeli Ministries of Health and Environmental Protection. He has extensive research collaborations with the HebrewUniversityMedicalSchool, ChariteUniversity in Berlin, Germany, European and AmericanVeterinarySchools, The Pasteur Institute of Tunis and Al Quds University in the Palestinian Authority. He is also involved in research on parasitic zoonoses in the developing world including Ethiopia and Uzbekistan.

    Guadalupe Miró

    Guadalupe Miró

    LeishVet Founding Member

    Guadalupe Miró
    DVM, PhD, Dipl. EVPC
    Full Professor Animal Health Dept.
    Veterinary School
    Universidad Complutense de Madrid
    Avda/ Puerta de Hierro s/n
    28040 Madrid, Spain
    See full CV

    Guadalupe Miró qualified from the Madrid Veterinary School where she completed her PhD thesis. She has held a permanent position as Full Professor in Parasitology and Parasitic Diseases at the Animal Health Department (Universidad Complutense of Madrid).
    Diplomate of the European Veterinary Parasitology College (EVPC).
    Director of the researching group and diagnosis laboratory of pet parasites (PetParasiteLab) at the UCM.
    Currently in charge of the Consultant of Infectious diseases at the Veterinary Teaching Hospital of the Madrid Veterinary School with a special focus on infectious diseases of small animals.
    Her areas of research specialisation are vector borne diseases of pets, mainly canine & animal leishmaniosis and shelter medicine involving the epidemiology and control of zoonotic diseases.
    She is a member of the World Association for the Advancement of Veterinary Parasitology (WAAVP), the International Society for Companion Animal Infectious Diseases (ISCAID), the Spanish Society of Parasitology (SOCEPA). She is also founding member of ESCCAP (Spain representative) and LeishVet group (President) and member of the main Spanish Associations of Veterinary Practitioners’ (AMVAC and AVEPA).
    Her scientific output consists of numerous peer-reviewed scientific articles and is author/coathor of several books in the field.

    Maria Grazia Pennisi

    Maria Grazia Pennisi

    LeishVet Founding Member

    Maria Grazia Pennisi
    DVM, specialist in Applied Microbiology
    Full professor Clinical Veterinary Medicine
    Dipartimento di Scienze Veterinarie
    Università degli Studi di Messina
    Via Palatucci, 13
    98168-Messina, Italia
    ORCID number: 0000-0002-3169-4194
    See full CV

    1979: graduation in Veterinary Medicine at University of Messina, Italy
    1980: grantholder at Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale del Mezzogiorno (Portici, Naples-Italy)
    1981-1982: grantholder at the National Research Council (Rome-Italy)
    1982: post-graduation degree in Applied Microbiology at University of Messina, Italy
    1983-1991: researcher – Clinical Veterinary Medicine at the University of Messina, Italy
    1991-2000: associate professor – Clinical Veterinary Medicine at the University of Messina, Italy
    2000-at present: full professor – Clinical Veterinary Medicine at the University of Messina, Italy

    Dr Pennisi heads a research laboratory for veterinary serological and microscopical investigations and has a particular research interest in clinical aspects of feline transmissible diseases and companion animal’s vector- borne diseases, including epidemiology, diagnosis, treatment and prevention. She was consultant of feline medicine at the Veterinary Teaching Hospital of the University of Messina up to 2020.

    Dr. Pennisi research is funded by several private companies and she has extensive national and international research collaborations. She is author of some 130 papers published in peer reviewed journals, book chapters, and many oral communications and posters, and lectures as inviteded speaker in national and international congresses.

    Founding member of the international association LeishVet.
    Board member of the European Advisory Board on Cat Diseases (ABCD).
    Member of the scientific board of “Rassegna di Medicina Felina” and “Bollettino AIVPA”
    Member of the scientific board of the “Companion Animal Vector-Borne Diseases World Forum”
    Member of the International Society of Feline Medicine
    Member of the Interntional Society for Companion Animal Infectious Diseases

    Laia Solano-Gallego

    Laia Solano-Gallego

    LeishVet Founding Member

    Dr. Laia Solano-Gallego
    DVM, PhD, Dip. ECVCP

    Full professor
    Departament animal medicine and surgery, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB)
    ORCID number: 0000-0001-8479-4896
    See full CV

    Dr. Laia Solano-Gallego received her DVM degree from the UAB in 1996. Her PhD concerned the immunology and diagnosis of canine leishmaniosis from the same University from 1997-2001. She did a post-doctoral clinical research in vector borne diseases of dogs and cats at the School of Veterinary Medicine of the North Carolina State University (USA) during 2002-2003. She did a small animal rotating internship at the Veterinary Teaching Hospital of the Purdue University (USA) during 2003-2004. Dr. Solano-Gallego worked at the private hospital and laboratory of San Marco (Padova, Italy) where she performed clinicodiagnostic activity and clinical research in clinical pathology and internal medicine with predominant interest in vector borne diseases of dogs and cats during 2004-2007. She is Diplomate of European College of Veterinary Clinical Pathology (ECVCP) since 2006. She was a Lecturer in Veterinary Clinical Pathology at the Royal Veterinary College (RVC) of University of London during 2007-2011. Currently, she is a full professor at UAB.

    Dr. Laia Solano-Gallego’s research interests focus on the pathogenesis, immunology, diagnosis, clinical aspects, treatment and prevention of veterinary and zoonotic vector-borne infectious diseases including leishmaniosis.

    Dr. Laia Solano-Gallego heads a laboratory for the research of vector-borne diseases. Dr. Laia Solano-Gallego’s research is funded by several international and national funding agencies including the European Community, BBSRC (UK), Spanish government and several private pharmaceutical companies. She has extensive research collaborations with the Royal Veterinary College (University of London), the Hebrew University Veterinary School, Università di Messina (Italy), Hellenic Pasteur Institute (Greece) and other national, European and American Veterinary Schools and Universities. 

    She is author of 136 manuscripts published in peer reviewed international journals, three books, 21 book chapters, many oral communications and poster and lectures as invited speaker in national and international congresses.

    Florence Kahn-Ramos

    Florence Kahn-Ramos

    YES I KAHN (International Event Organizer)
    ALIVE Congress coordinator

    Juliana Sarquis

    Juliana Sarquis

    PhD Student
    ALIVE Secretariat

    Pilar Vidueira

    Pilar Vidueira

    Adlibweb (Web Development)
    ALIVE Webmaster


    Privacy Policy

    Privacy Policy

    ALIVE is a LeishVet initiative and as such is regulated by the Laws of Spain.

    ¿Quién es el responsable del tratamiento de los datos personales?

    De acuerdo a lo establecido en la normativa vigente, le informamos que los datos personales que pueda facilitar durante el uso de la web (en adelante “la Web”) serán tratados en calidad de Responsable del tratamiento por la asociación LEISHVET (en adelante, “LEISHVET”), con CIF: G-85570125 y Sede en la Facultad de Veterinaria, Av. Puerta de Hierro s/n, 28040 Madrid

    Podrá ponerse en contacto con el Delegado de Protección de Datos de LEISHVET a través del Correo electrónico:

    ¿Está obligado a facilitar datos personales?

    La visita a la Web no supone que el usuario esté obligado a facilitar ninguna información sobre sí mismo. No obstante, el uso de algunos de los servicios disponibles en la Web depende de la cumplimentación de formularios de información personal.

    Los datos que se soliciten en los diferentes formularios de la Web son los necesarios para prestar los servicios solicitados. La negativa a proporcionar los datos señalados como necesarios puede suponer la imposibilidad de prestar adecuadamente dichos servicios. Así mismo, podrá facilitar datos de modo voluntario con el objetivo de que puedan prestarse de modo óptimo estos servicios.

    Igualmente, determinadas funcionalidades de la web dependen de que usted autorice el tratamiento de sus datos personales.

    ¿Con qué finalidad tratará LEISHVET los datos personales del usuario?

    Los datos personales que facilite para la prestación de los distintos servicios puestos a disposición a través del Sitio Web serán tratados por LEISHVET conforme a las siguientes finalidades:

    • En el caso de registro, la finalidad es gestionar la creación de una cuenta de usuario para la atención de los diferentes servicios ofrecidos por LEISHVET que permiten la tramitación telemática de los diferentes servicios así como la tramitación de los pagos derivados de la prestación de dichos servicios y el análisis del uso del Sitio Web y la contratación de Servicios realizada por los usuarios a través del mismo.
    • En el caso de que incluir algún correo de contacto facilitado, la finalidad será la contestación a la solicitud realizada.
    • Igualmente, le informamos que determinadas funcionalidades de la web dependen del uso de COOKIES, por lo que, en el caso de que no haya denegado la posibilidad de su uso, se procederá al tratamiento de determinada información relacionada con su uso de la Web. Puede ver las condiciones para su uso en la “Política de Cookies”.

    En el momento de solicitar cualquiera de los servicios o hacer uso de las funcionalidades indicadas, se le ofrecerá información más detallada sobre los concretos tratamientos.

    ¿Durante cuánto tiempo tratará LEISHVET los datos personales?

    Los datos del Usuario serán conservados mientras sean necesarios para la prestación de los servicios solicitados y, una vez finalizada dicha prestación, sus datos serán conservados durante los plazos legalmente exigidos para las posibles responsabilidades derivadas del servicio prestado.

    En el caso de los Usuarios registrados, el tratamiento de los datos se mantendrá hasta la solicitud de la baja de la cuenta creada.

    ¿Qué categorías de datos del usuario tratará LEISHVET?

    Los datos personales necesarios para la prestación de los diferentes servicios disponibles en la Web serán los indicados en el correspondiente formulario habilitado a tal efecto.

    ¿Cuál es la legitimación del tratamiento de los datos del usuario?

    El tratamiento de los datos del Usuario por parte de LEISHVET se ampara en la solicitud por parte del Usuario de los servicios puestos a disposición a través de la Web o, en su caso, en el consentimiento que se le solicite para finalidades determinadas, y que podrá retirar en cualquier momento. No obstante, en caso de revocar su consentimiento, ello no afectará a la licitud de los tratamientos efectuados con anterioridad.

    ¿A qué destinatarios se comunicarán los datos del usuario?

    Los datos personales facilitados por el Usuario no serán comunicados a terceros, salvo que ello sea necesario para la prestación de los servicios solicitados o cuando el usuario hubiera aceptado expresamente su comunicación. En ambos supuestos, el Usuario será debidamente informado de dicha posibilidad antes de proceder a la comunicación de sus datos personales.

    ¿Qué responsabilidad tiene el usuario?

    El Usuario será responsable de que los datos que facilite a LEISHVET sean verdaderos, exactos, completos y actualizados. A estos efectos, el Usuario responderá de la veracidad de todos los datos que comunique y deberá mantener debidamente actualizada la información facilitada, de tal forma que responda a su situación real.

    Igualmente, será responsable de las informaciones falsas o inexactas que proporcione a través del Sitio Web y de los daños y perjuicios, directos o indirectos, que ello cause a LEISHVET o a terceros.

    ¿Qué derechos tiene el usuario?

    El Usuario puede enviar un escrito a la dirección del LEISHVET o a través de correo electrónico, con la Referencia “Protección de Datos”, adjuntando fotocopia de su documento de identidad, en cualquier momento y de manera gratuita, para:

    • Revocar los consentimientos otorgados.
    • Acceder a sus datos personales.
    • Rectificar los datos inexactos o incompletos.
    • Solicitar la supresión de sus datos cuando, entre otros motivos, los datos ya no sean necesarios para los fines que fueron recogidos.
    • Obtener de LEISHVET la limitación del tratamiento de los datos cuando se cumpla alguna de las condiciones previstas en la normativa de protección de datos.
    • Solicitar la portabilidad de sus datos.
    • Se le informa de la existencia del derecho de oposición.

    A la vez se informa que el usuario puede reclamar ante la Agencia Española de Protección de Datos ( cuando considere que se han vulnerado los derechos que le son reconocidos por la normativa aplicable de protección de datos.

    ¿Es seguro facilitar datos personales?

    LEISHVET tratará los datos del Usuario en todo momento de forma absolutamente confidencial y guardando el preceptivo deber de secreto respecto de los mismos, de conformidad con lo previsto en la normativa de aplicación, adoptando al efecto las medidas de índole técnica y organizativas necesarias que garanticen la seguridad de sus datos y eviten su alteración, pérdida, tratamiento o acceso no autorizado, habida cuenta del estado de la tecnología, la naturaleza de los datos almacenados y los riesgos a que están expuestos.

    ¿Puede cambiar la política de privacidad?

    LEISHVET se reserva el derecho a modificar la presente Política de Privacidad a fin de adaptarla a las novedades legislativas que fueran procedentes. En dichos supuestos, anunciará en el Sitio Web los cambios introducidos con una antelación razonable a la de su puesta en práctica.